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Finding true and honest friends
Finding true and honest friends

Friend's till the end.......To me friends come in all shapes and sizes. They come in and out of your life. Ever so quickly, you didn't see them. Or didn't realize they were there at all. Friends can be anyone or no one that you saw. As the seasons change so can our friends. Friends true and good will withstand the seasons. The many seasons of life on earth. God gave us friends. He didnt want anyone to be friendless..Even the 4 legged friends He gave to us.

On December 20th 2006 I lost my best friend on earth. Thankfully I have friends to get me thru that season. I know about friendships, how precious it really is. Just like He wants us to do. To pick up your friends during those seasons or storms. Precious innocent faces that, know just how precious friends are. They are given to us the friends we have. And they are taken away from us. Some people have friends they wished they never had. And some they lost the one true faithful friend.I have been both myself, and friends I forgot. Friends to one and friends to none. Friends of all colors and friends of all the different places in the world.

So, with all the friends in the world, your 4 legged friends are the most precious. Faithful, loving, playing, and just happy to be there with you. Please look at the 4 legged friends that you have and just feel blessed to have them, they can and do go every single minute. And if it was not enough friends for everyone, you will always have a friend in Jesus